2024 North Free-Lo Surf Straps
A low-profile minimalist strap designed for strapped-in riding, especially prone foiling. Whether you’re boosting airs or maximising your pump efficiency to connect multiple waves. Designed to lay flat against the deck while you prone paddle, when up and riding these lightweight straps will give you more leverage over the foil in freestyle maneuvers, improved landing recovery and connection to the foil.
I N C L U D E S :
2 Straps, 4 screws, 4 washers
S I Z E :
900 Black: O/S
**If you have questions or need to coordinate an order call us at either of our stores.
Houston Kiteboarding
281-508-6485 sales@houstonkiteboarding.com
Pacific North Sports
360-794-1688 sales@pacificnorthsports.com